***Starting 05/03/2024 all transcript requests will be held for the final transcript. ***
To request your final electronic transcript you must log into XELLO, using your clever account.
***You cannot request electronic transcripts from XELLO during the summer. If you need to order transcripts over the summer, go to browardschools.com/cypressbay for more information on how to obtain your transcript over the summer.***
To request your final electronic transcript you must log into XELLO, using your clever account.
- There is no “CA” (common app) for final transcripts.
- You will be notified via your email in Xello if an electronic transcript cannot be sent. If it cannot be sent electronically, you will need to purchase a printed copy and mail it to the college. (Please make sure your correct email address is in Xello.)
***You cannot request electronic transcripts from XELLO during the summer. If you need to order transcripts over the summer, go to browardschools.com/cypressbay for more information on how to obtain your transcript over the summer.***